Can't Download App Error Code 491

When I try to download anything from the Play Store it shows error 491 and can't finish the download. I have a Samsung Galaxy S 7582. How do I fix this?

Harpreet SinghHarpreet Singh

3 Answers

My friend already experienced this kind of problem.And we finally fixed it by doing the steps below: 1. Remove google account from account and sync * Go to settings - > Accounts - > Then remove the gmail account that you used in your google play store application. Now you can go back to Google Play Store and see if you can install or download apps/games. If the error 491 still persists after clearing Google Play Service. While downloading or updating apps from Google Play store and see error “App could not be downloaded due to an error. (491) Fix Google Play Store error 491.

Go to Settings-Accounts-Google account-Delete or Remove your account

Then go to Settings-Apps-All-Google play storeClear Cache and Clear data

Reboot, Enter your account details again..

Aravind BabuAravind Babu

You will need to do the following:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Go to Apps
  3. Scroll down to Google Pay Services and open it
  4. Clear data and cache
  5. Do the same thing for the Google Play Store
  6. Restart your phone
  7. Open Google Play Store, let it sync, and you should be able to download whatever app was giving you error 491

Try to go to play store properties page in your phone settings, and delete it's cache there, then reboot your phone, it should ask you to accept again terms of use when you start play store again.


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Apr 24, 2014, 5:50:50 PM via Website

Apr 24, 20145:50:50 PMvia Website

Hey guys,

Can't Download App Error Code 491 Free

If you get the message saying error 491 when using the Google Play Store, this means that a download or update was impossible at that moment. But do not worry, there is a way to fix this.

  1. First, you need to remove and then reinstate later your Googleaccount. This you can do in the settings of your Android device,under accounts, tap on the Google option and then hit the menubutton and select remove account.
  2. Before adding it in again, restartyour Android smartphone or tablet.
  3. Now, add the account once againby going by the same route to get to the option in settings. Next,go to the Applications or Apps section in the settings and swipeleft until you see all apps.
  4. Scroll down until you find Google services. Here clear the data and the cache in the app info, andfinally force stop.

This should do the trick!!

— modified on Apr 24, 2014, 5:51:51 PM

How To Fix Error 491

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