Contributed by Ross Mitchell on Jan 30, 2001 (message contributor)
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Summary: To show some reasons why God needs people with broken hearts
The Heart of the Matter (Part Two)
'Intensive Care for Broken Hearts'
A. Example - It was 1974 B.T. (Before Tia) I was in 3rd grade at ACA. I had a crush on a girl in the 4th grade. I took the mature 3rd grade approach and wrote her a note. I laid it all on the line. I poured my heart into the note. It read: 'Do you like me? Yes or No. Please check one.' She didn’t answer the letter. I asked my friend David
(who was a 4th grader in her class), 'Doesn’t she like me? Tell me, what does she
think about me?' My friend said, 'She thinks you are strange!'
B. I was crushed! The girl of my dreams had said that I was strange. My heart was
broken! Boy, was she going to live with regret for not picking me (Ain’t that right
C. We find out at an early age what it feels like to have a broken heart. But what
happens when we are young (in my case, 3rd grade) doesn’t even compare with
the pain and heartache we experience as we get older.
D. For some of you, this past year has been extremely difficult. It’s been one blow
after another. As soon as one problem was over with, you were dealt with
another one.
E. It’s safe to say that there are many present today whose hearts are broken.
F. Are you ready for a shocker? God needs people with broken hearts! We may not
think that’s the case but in reality it is.
G. Last week, we began our series on 'The Heart of the Matter' by discussing
heart trouble. We talked about the signs of heart trouble. We made an analogy
between the physical heart and the spiritual heart.
1. We noticed David’s heart trouble, that is, his sin with Bathsheba and the events
that followed.
2. Thankfully David finally admitted he had a heart problem and he allowed God
to do surgery on his heart.
3. David asked God to create in him a clean and pure heart.
4. We ended our lesson with a plea—allow God to open our hearts and do the
H. Sometimes, after heart surgery is performed, people have to spend some time in
the intensive care unit. Their hearts have to be monitored closely. Even though
the surgery has been done, there’s always the possibility that complications can
occur; that heart trouble can act up again.
I. In like manner, once we have allowed God to do surgery on our hearts, we need to spend some time in the 'spiritual' intensive care unit.
1. The therapy we need is to allow our hearts to be broken when necessary.
2. That might seem to be an odd concept when dealing with a heart condition.
3. But as we will see, God needs people with broken hearts!
J. Notice Psalm 51:16,17 - READ
1. Didn’t I tell you that God needs those who have broken hearts? I cannot say
that I understand why that is the case.
2. But there’s another passage that’s even more difficult for me to understand
when it comes to the brokenhearted.
K. Notice Psalm 34:15-17 - READ
1. I’ve got no problem preaching or understanding those verses. We expect God
to watch over the good hearted, the kind and the noble.
2. Psalm 34:18 - READ (Repeat)
L. Someone says, 'I want to know if my heart is right with God. Am I living right?'
M. David says, 'Having your heart right with God comes from your ability to have
a broken heart.'
N. Isn’t that exactly what Jesus taught? 'Blessed are the poor in spirit (the broken
hearted), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.' (Matthew 5:3)
O. Two questions we want to address:
1. Why would God be drawn to those who are broken hearted?
2. What is the intensive care that broken hearts need?
I. First, Why is God Drawn to the Brokenhearted?
A. Number One - The brokenhearted have learned the difference between what is
genuine and what is fake.
1. The brokenhearted know the difference between reality and what is a sham
2. It takes a brokenhearted person to know what is real and important versus
what is false and unimportant.
3. Luke 7:36-50 - READ
4. Isn’t it amazing how a broken heart will wipe away the 'junk' and show you
what’s real?
5. Simon is so worried with making a good impression on his guests (so worried
about the externals) that he can’t even see past his nose to what’s really
a. Simon 'knew' this woman was a 'sinner' and that she had problems—but
did he care? NO!
b. Did he offer to talk with this woman and see if he could help her—after all,
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Browse AllSony unveiled a new God of War game, simply called God of War, during E3 last week and the developers at Sony Santa Monica Studios promised it would showcase a different Kratos than fans were used to. The game’s creative director, Cory Barlog, said that the idea for Kratos’ new direction all started with the scripts for the canceled Star Wars TV show.
Barlog told VentureBeat that the team wanted to focus on giving Kratos a second chance to change his ways and one of the best ways to do that was to explore his role as a father. Barlog said that while there was initially a lot of pushback on the idea of exploring Kratos in a more subdued role than what players were used to, after the core writing team began looking at other mediums — specifically television — they realized they could do something special with the concept.
Barlog said that when he was working at Lucasfilm, he was given access to the Ranch and was allowed to spend his time reading the scripts for the canceled Star Wars TV show. One of the biggest lessons he took away from reading those scripts as a writer was that if you spend enough time with a character, like someone does normally with a game or television show, they can go from being someone fans hate to a figure they love.
“I cared about the Emperor,” Barlog told VentureBeat. “They made the Emperor a sympathetic figure who was wronged by this fucking heartless woman. She’s this hardcore gangster, and she just totally destroyed him as a person. I almost cried while reading this. This is the Emperor, the lightning out of the fingers Emperor.”
Barlog said he applied that style of writing to the newest God of War in order to create a version of Kratos that will endear both old and new fans to the character. In an interview with Polygon, Barlog said the game is first and foremost about fatherhood and that was the main theme they wanted to explore. Gameplay from the upcoming title can be seen in the video below.
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The demo opens with a much older, bearded, player-controlled Kratos teaching his son how to hunt, and continues with the brutal weapon and hand-to-hand melee combat the franchise is known for. After saving his son from danger, the demo ends with a quiet father and son moment, seeming to indicate a more thoughtful and fleshed-out Kratos will be at the core of this new God of War game.